Value Update (4/16/2024)

no, limiteds aren’t going back to their original value because that isn’t how that works. They’ll only go up when they start gaining traction and people start trading them for more.


Then lower c doc and c alfred also
How is c doc higher than fey in value?


yeah that is an inconsistency, it will be fixed though.


disable trading jdndj


I think the community made the mess of trading and they blame axe r of it when they wrecked the community with duping and manipulation and they complain when values actually get changed to what their actual value should be


I only gotta say one thing… you guys have given the community so much power that it is nearly impossible for the grp of 9 val changers to run the stkvalues. NGL stk is becoming a democratic game day by day but with arbitrary powers which is an abuse to the game.


To fix this problem, I may have some options which you all would like but I know none would see it because PPL only see the bad side of me :pensive:
A. To assign atleast 15-20 value changers, as the updates will be more frequent and robust. Also, those value changers would be 24x7 present in trade serves / discord, and there will be a complete and accurate value update without any bias. I prefer to select those as a value changer who have a keen knowledge and would give constructive comments on the items.

B. Have the power to stop the community from doing non-sensual trades. Ask them to abide by the values .

C. Ask experienced and old traders about the trading system and get frequent updates from them / assign them as value changers. Like this, you guys will get precise opinions and thus resulting in a more accurate value and trend update.

These are some options by which you guys can release a complete and an accurate value update. Although I like this new step taken but majority of the people did not like as rare limiteds dropped due to uncertain number of lowballs they receive. I’ll analyze more options and would like to post them here.

No-hate speech please as I am giving suggestions for the betterment of the community only. @polar0750


Well, I tried to save them ye? But you guys thought I was manipulating… good luck now. Let stk die


people also have lives


Hmm? May I know what do you mean by this statement please?


i agree with all except the 24hr rotation but there is a lot of good trades happening in the trade lobby that do not get archived which we all know the reasons for that. i strongly agree with C. when i started playing i did not understand the value system nor even knew the discord I used the website after using google after a year of playing then i had access to the stk values discord. i received the best advice from old traders and experienced traders which i can say they do a great job as i witness them save new players from getting scammed and stepping in to teach them.


This value update was the worst update ive ever been apart of.
Yall made it this way.
I 100% disagree with the values these items are at.
Problem is those manipulating the values by showing only lowball trades vs showing the ops or showing the better than these values trades. Some of you decided to say this item is trash and you should only take for example 3m yet when they got the item they gave it away for 9m. But didnt show the 9m only the 3m so they could repeat the gains. Thats a huge issue at hand. Now whats next? Im considering leaving the game i love. Some may be excited about that. Some may not be. Just remember this. I only gave shit to those who were manipulating and doing things to hurt trading. If you have an issue with that well then you were apart of it. Those who didnt well they didnt have issues with me. So good luck with trading its a shit show. And those dupers who you all embrace and talk to are the reasons why trading is shit. Maybe you banish them and stop giving them a voice and maybe they will stop trying to screw the community.


I truly understand how you feel at the current. And I know you put yourself in making the community be robust and secure. But, you were the only one who criticised me when I was saving limiteds and here too, you said the same thing which I said a long time back ‘People show the low ball trade but never show the overpay trade’. This is the main reason why stk has come to an end. If you all had listened to me earlier then maybe something would have happen. Well, it is your wish if you wanna leave the game. Just remember this, STKValues is incomplete without you, although you blacklisted me for unnecessary reasons but still as a friend and as a supporter of stk, I appreciate your work. Do not criticize yourself. It is just a game with YOU holding a major position. If you leave, I bet none can replace YOU. This is how much valueable you are to the community. @polar0750


survive the killer isn’t going to die because a knife a tiny portion of the community has is lower in value to what it previously was. That’s being awfully overdramatic


Well I do see the whole purpose of the game is trading. If not whole then I bet 94% of the community is playing the game for trading and inventory


Polar stated it too, not my own typed words :pensive:


no it’s not, the whole purpose of the game is to “survive the killer”, it’s in the name. Trading was an added bonus on top of that.


May i ask? what is the formula on what is the ultimate decision on the values? the proofs, posting on stkvalues? the actual percentage of players submitting the value request? The reason i ask this is because this cycle will repeat. with any kind of economy in games players " will find a way" to disrupt something that is meant to balance the games economy. With iconic items that have rarity and is an aspect of the game of course it will cause chaos amongst the 1%. which cascades down. overall this value update will cause the same issues as before which lowkey is already happening.


I do agree that the game’s name is ‘Survive the killer’ but do you really think that people play it without trading? Absolutely not Chrissy, why don’t you ask the people themselves? I bet some would agree with you but not the majority.


most people do, yeah. A lot of people play the game to play the game because most are children who play the main game for hours on end. Most people who go into trading are either there to beg, actually trade or just sit there afk. The trading community is so much smaller compared to the thousands of people who play the game normally.