Value changers - fair

Why would anyone give more than the value in the crate? If its for collection then they would possibly give more but why would they when they can gte it for 37.5k?
Thats the bottom line what there willing to give and atm there are no proofs showing the crates being value requested for more than the set values.

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The singular word bias doesn’t need to be used since you used other words with the same meaning.
And poiting out we are doing values to benefit our owm inventories has the same meaning. Your argument has no merit and trying to claim your not insinuating is proving you did insinuate

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You may not trade to not open but some do.
Some are collectors and they are trading the crates for the set values. I have seen very few trade for more than values. They have almost not value requested them though. For there own reasons. We vase values off community involvement. So if they domt value request then how else do you dictate values?


I don’t want to get involved In this (please no one hunt me down😶) but I do think that values should be heavily effected by rarity, I understand that values are changes due to the community requests, but I think it is fair to change values based on rarity, (using Rex as an example) I no as a fact that it is more rare than knifes like the astrals, nox, advernica, marrowell, and most likely katana, bcleaver and infernal deadlift, and yet all those are worth more. so I do think in a scenario like that value changers could make the decision them selves to change Rex. I also have a lot of respect for the way value changing works though, and I think some people need to understand that even if value changers have there own opinions, the community matters most and VC’s have to stick with proof and requests to make final decisions that are best for the community. But small things like Rex probably wouldn’t effect the community, and I am sure that is a change that wouldn’t need proof and a lot of people would agree with that change.


I thought that proofs were no longer needed?


No I just checked and it is 100k… obv usually doesn’t pull that much tho


Well… I obv understand the need for value requests on scale however I would hope that some things would be more obvious - like an event spec from a past crate.

I wasn’t aware of when the mystery crate had come in and why it was so low - I was told it was during the pest event -

Has not a single person ever provided a proof for Rex or prime? Idk -

Void crates are a guaranteed spec - from 125-225 but the crate valued at only 150k so not only does it not take in to account the highest spec value but also doesn’t provide value for the unopened collector crate

We don’t have to agree but I appreciate the discussion

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Sorry the chicken stayed at 100k and others went down - ha!!You’re right. I know the chicken noise but idk if the others make a noise bwahahaha

Sorta proves my point moreso then - crate is still 37.5 while chicken is 100k


Lol it’s all good. Exactly April crate needs to rise cuz of that alone, not to mention rarity


Let me explain something.
Rarity- if rarity mattered then why do those trade rare items for less than a common item?
Unfortunately some give an item with limited under 1k copies for items with 10-15k copies.
We cant control the value of an item based off rarity.
We have to go off whats being traded for what values and such.

Imagine giving a super rare item a really big value right?
And the community trading that item for a 3rd its value?
What does that say?
That says the item is overvalued and would then need to drop.
Again we can give a value to any item. But if the community doesn’t respect the value or the rarity or whatever. Them the value given is innacurate.
Sorry but the system is the best possible way to value items. Its based off what the community feels the items are worth.


it’s no longer required however if there is proof we’re still going to use it as evidence to back up a change.

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that’s because people are willing to give more for that item than the crate? idk what ur trying to say here :sob: just because items inside the crate are worth more than the crate itself doesn’t mean the actual crate is gonna be worth the same.


I assume you meant me but I can’t tell if it’s a response to me

What I am saying is that crate value imho can be based on many factors (as a tradable item) w/o the intention to open

  1. Age of crate
  2. Cost of crate
  3. What’s inside (potential)
  4. Length of availability
    And also maybe how many were purchased (which only some would have knowledge of)

The crates that were coin crates should be valued less than gem crates automatically - 300gems each vs coins/gens for 10

Rare drop crate - first of its kind should have inherent value as a collectable crate etc

Again I understand crates are new - it’s fascinating to see the interest in them or lack thereof.

Merely basing the crate value off of what the potential value when opening is short sided to me. The crates themselves are the collection…

I digress


most crates that costed coins were around the same price so idk how that helps, what’s inside the crate shouldn’t matter, they’re completely different items and can get offered completely different things so again, that doesn’t exactly help. like for example you could be offered an item that was worth 12.5k for the item inside the crate but could get offered waaay more for the actual crate so basing its value off of the stuff inside isn’t exactly good or accurate.

Basically every event that had a limited time crate was 2 weeks so they were all available for the same period of time so im not sure what to do w that info and idk if it’s even possible to see how many were purchased w out estimating, unless devs can see that which idk.

I really disagree with gem crates having a higher value than coin crates since in my experience the gem crates are getting offers which r close to the value they were set which are lower than some coin crates so like, how can they be valued higher when they aren’t all getting a higher value?

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What does any of that have to do with the community? They dictate the values. Not some formula that we come up with.
If they beleive an item is worth only 100k thats all there willing to offer.
If we say its 1m and they get it for 100k then what happens?
No matter what formula anyone comes up witb the ultimate decision is based off the community and what they are trading the items for.

Are you ansh by the way?


I tried to say stuff about it, given up on it. Absolute Proof needed nowadays.


If I were you, just trade based off how you conceive things, don’t stress yourself out from other things.

The April Fools crate is harder to find than any April Fools Spectrum 100% because there are way more existed spectrums opened than crates saved, so I agree with you on that point as well.

Also, I agree it doesn’t make clear sense for 2 Corrupt Cupid Killers with a 2 year gap to have 0 value differential. It would basically confuse many beginner traders.


Yeah I did trade for a few of the Valentine 23 and I overpaid based on the 100k value but tbh there are so few with them and so few willing to trade them :slight_smile: Thanks M

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I appreciate the discussion Polar - what I am saying is that the community did NOT determine the value of the crates - the community has not determined the value of Rex/prime or the 22/24 because I’ve seen multiple people ask about this and it has not changed (assuming value changers have the ability to reasonably change w/o proof)

I hope I’ve not made you feel defensive because I don’t happen to know anyone personally or socially in the game; if I have I apologize.

Thanks again for the explanations

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I see what you mean - I’m saying that the offers are based on what the posted value of crates are - I traded a Lillian bow for 2santa roni - 2 mystery - and a grim set prior to the values coming out

I didn’t take a pic (I don’t think) because I didn’t think I needed to - I don’t think anyone was offering 600k per Santa roni crate

The same way I won’t trade a cardboard crate for 37.5 :slight_smile:

I appreciate the discussion and I’m sure there will be more

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