what is ur opinion about me and what ipost here in forum?
You put really irrelevant and insignificant items that have nothing to do with the game
And also you test our patience by your typing
Poor grammar is okay but you should check your sentence before sending to see if the spaces are put at the right place
Iknew you will say that but if iwere you iwas wont and never say that to anyone no matter for me his grammer and what he post
You asked opinion and I’m an honest person and speak the truth and don’t like to sugar coat the things
yes iasked but not like this way it is not good for me
I agree with @anshdeep_0001 you kinda waste my time on your topic with a huge explanation i can’t understand most of what you’re saying.
Yes bro exactly I open a topic but it’s not related to stk and that thing wasted my 5 min and then there are 10 topics like this
it’s 5 minutes of our life that we won’t be able to relive
you and him are just so rude ppl if ur time is very important for you then why you reply to me anyways igive up for this challang3 because iwas know icant get galaxy if there are other ppl are rich and able to get all badges before me and even owner jesse banned me from stkvalues for simple reason and matt banned me forever drom stkvalues group again for simple reason too although isaid truth and what ialways see from you and them anways ileft main server too so its not matter for me now if he banned me again from main server lol
Okay i was trying to be respectful and just express what we really feel about you or improve about you, so was @anshdeep_0001
Nvm leave it she is banned from every server shows she is not respectful
alright then
first iam not girl second Iam banned because isaid truth jesse was not good with me and wont be and moderator matt too and third like isaid u and ur friend are just so rude for me if iwas you iwas never say and act like that to anyone no matter what he do
Are you pocho??
Nah, he is not.
That’s not pocho, unless, he’s in disguise, spooku