Tell me your best trade and how much you won (value)
Air for meda 20m win at that time
One of my best trades was Watchtower and searing sword for Axe of Reaper
air knife for galaxy is my best trade
I also traded once my Gh 20 for C doc , Fae also one of my best trades
I traded pol sc for cold bow, cupid bow, cactus, and other small stuff one time which at the time was a 125k win I think
I got axer for 4 voids and then added like 100k after the trade. (This was when voids were rly bad demand)
Ask me about the worst trades I ever made. Some doozies for sure
haha tell me
Before I knew anything about values, I traded chs for nox. To me it was a “rainbow” for a rainbow lol. That was my first bad trade and a very long time ago but I won’t forget it
That’s the main reason I try to advocate for the low level players in trade server. People always sharking them
I’m still making bad trades - @PhasePanda hahaha
Can they be bad if they are intentional? Hmmm
Wellll not too long ago I traded cold heart for barbaric cuz I didn’t know it was a permanent crate when it first released
someone gave me c spear for barbaric when it had no value idk if they’re so happy about it now haha
lol I have made some reaaaaaalllllly bad trades but my value now is 1mil now so I’m happy (special thanks to exactestimate/korn for the trades! lol)
I’ll never forget my 2 worst trades before i knew about values- I traded my ghost grim for cupid bow & putrid pickaxe (not totally awful- but it was a huge underpay at the time) and i also traded my RHS, i don’t remember what for but i know for a FACT it was probably for something not even close to its value It will forever haunt me
lol I’m a shark