
anyone gonna talk about rubbers amazing raise? honestly raise it to like 2mil or smth😁 seriously tho i think it could get away with 200k someday if it doesnt come back like old Pepaw Afton does…

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I don’t agree with its raise personally, I think it probably deserves a raise but realistically it wasn’t pulling a raise from what I saw🤷🏼‍♀️

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yeah i agree that ppl didnt op for it but it is pretty rare and will prob get rarer as long it doesnt return

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I agree with u about rarity but i don’t think that it rlly deserves a big raise like that.
I bet that u r a clucky fan XD

lol how did you know, but yeah i do love the april fools swords and i feel like they are very underrated but i think thats just me

Now we fight over the the leafy stick and plunger ……


I think that no one actually cares about leafy stick and plunger , they’re suck ngl.
Maybe rubber is the only good knife ngl.


I think that u r actually a guy that loves animals lol.
First cluckies and ur prof pic :joy:

well i just think that stk needs some humor and the april fools knives delivered :man_shrugging:


Personally, i dont care enough about the april fools knives to want to trade to get them. But would have definitely got the crate had i been on that day. Would love to see them do it again tho with some other funny random objects… pencil, ruler, drinking straw, fishing pole, magic wand ect would be funny


Do you have some lefty stick and plunger to trade me? I’m looking for 4 each - no raise just 37.5k each…

Don’t :sob: to me when they are 150k lol

i dont have any just looking for them lol

Yes that would be so much fun - the random drop was HARD to get…

Love the ideas - would be cool to have broken versions of current knives - broken katana or a half eaten chocolate knife … Toenail clipper hahah

Ok I may be off track :slight_smile:

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Those are amazing ideas as well! Toenail clippers :skull::skull::skull:

Okay but imagine a toothbrush knife with a blue and white toothpaste trail :sunglasses:


Omggg yesss!!

Do you know who here makes concepts? Is it @DerpyDuke_YT ? If so someone who’s good with that (not me lol) should make that concept😂


yes, I make concepts. just finished one actually.


Yesss whoever is the concept maker write these down :memo:

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I had to look up that Umbras heart killer that didn’t make it to the game and omg… I am so sad! She woulda been such a baddie killer lol

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