There is a lot of people still confused about the recent value changes, I’m no VC but I “accessed” the info given by them into this paragraph:
The reason these items changed in value is the fact that they are being traded for less value. Everyone is saying “we requested phase and rhs”, and while that is true, VC’s don’t pay attention to that (well maybe a little), they are paying attention to the proof images. While the images do infact show phase and rhs pulling big ops, they also show items like axe, DDs, frost, spear, and arach being traded for less then there value. So instead of raising rhs and phase to an absurd amount, they are slightly lowering the specs they seem to be pulling over and over again, so that phase will start to get a more fair and accurate value. Because at the rate it was going phase would have reached 10m value. And I’m almost positive that when the hype for these items dies, the older specs will raise back to normal value and hype.
Hope that made sense to everyone. I think people that are mad about this (no offense) should try to take a closer look at what the VC’s are trying to explain, because they do have a justified reason for this. Also, no values are permanent, so it’s not like these values will never change.
Also pls nobody hunt me down
R u sure that axe and dds dropped because they get lower value?
I mean … even people in dc would offer 4 wocs for axer.
I even made an overpay for it
Bro i ain’t trying to start an argument again and again but i find and maybe we all find values unfair.
I stil respect you and the whole stk community but … value changers have been changing values randomly.
Dds was getting fae man … it was also able to get arach ( if the particular reason for dropping was because they get “lowballs”/ “underpays”
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I understand that they were getting overpays like DDs and fae, and woc20 and axe, but I think the reason they dropped is souly because of phase and Rhs. It simply wouldn’t make sense to raise phase to 8-10m because that value is just too high for that knife. And I don’t see many trades for phase including any other knife’s, most phase and Rhs trades are only tradeing for the items that dropped.
Yeah fr.
And … i saw polar’s proofs but i still find them as nothing compared to the offers i see for dds / arach / axe r + they’re rare Halloween items esp axe r that is loved by most community.
Polar himself said " dds was getting vouchers and chs"
Well … the guy that gave him dds and add for vouchers could be a 9 years old kid , i dont think that a person with his brain would trade dds for that trash.
To be fair; it’s been made very clear that AxeR/Arach/Fay/Fay/Woc20 etc have been massively duped - in the dupe threads particularly.
IMHO it won’t matter how low they drop DDs or Axe R it will not stop phase and Rhs from raising - only prevent people who don’t have that inventory value to trade for them.
I will not trade phase for dupes - I won’t trade RHS for dupes especially considering the wait and see for dupes rn…
Phase and Rhs are catching overpays because they are extremely limited and NOT duped
People are using their KNOWN dupes to trade for them — yeah if I had 6 axe r that I know are dupes I’d try to offload them too
Arach? I’ve never seen so many arach as I have now … Time to offload and they will happily pay premium for limited
Knives that aren’t dupes…
1 minute they are dupes nobody wants and the next they are pulling 3m? Pick 1 it can’t be both —
I see were you guys are coming from, not trying to form anymore arguments. I simply took the info from the VC’s and Jesse annd put it into a paragraph so that people who are still confused can understand the drop of these items.
Yeah it def makes sense - I have a few DDS that dropped . I think the recent thread about dupes is accurate- we continue to trade with dupes? Idk — absolutely it puts up the value of non-dupe limited and absolutely dupes get dropped it’s the same effect
The sooner they are removed from trading the sooner we can get real value on those items
I think we are going to find some lesser values go up drastically -
I agree with you here, dropping those items will only make it harder to get phase and rhs. And they will rise more
Wow this was very well written. Good job and great points.
Dups are a huge problem. They need to go away.
Ty for this clean non toxic paragraph. Refreshing
You hit the mark.
We raised some items. And raised again. And the specific items kept trashing the specs mentioned.
Therefore you have to look at those items they kept getting easily by way less than there values. We took days to do research. We went into ts and other sources. And used alts to test as well. Almost 95% of the time we would get offered these specs by the boat loads to acquire the items that were raised. The community is disrespecting the values of these items. And giving them away for alot less in value. So we dropped them, with more proofs than most updates. Most updates we provide 5 ish proofs for each unless there ghost items. In this update we used 7-10 ish. ( example if you have 10 diff users showing the item getting lowballed and 2 diff users showing it getting op its a 10-2 and needs a drop )
Just like limiteds they are affected by duping. And just like limiteds that were dupped, they dropped, because they arent valued as the values prior to the drop suggested.