Shadowveil Value

I honestly think it would be cool if the new knifes were limited but the announcement didnt have date for when it would end so I think they are just permanent, so you have as much time as you want to get the new swords


Yeah - even if they are permanent ā€”

The knives require crate knives from crates that I donā€™t open or buy for no reason. I donā€™t open space crates and chest of the pest randomly - i save my coins. I surely wonā€™t be trading for 20nox again and I wonā€™t be looking for smouldered katana - or 20Amber Riptar

I think itā€™s fair to say for most players getting 1 to add to their collection and not to trade is reasonable ā€”

I donā€™t think youā€™re accounting for how much energy and trading goes in to finding 20nox etcā€¦ Not to mention the inventory required to trade for all of thoseā€¦

The well will dry up because players wonā€™t keep crafting thoseā€¦


Yeah ig, but the newer items i think will drop significantly eventually. Nox V is definately a pain in the gyatt to make lol. I hope they make a funny crafting item something @somguy would like :grin:


btw do you know when @Jesse will announce the winners of the trade give away?


Iā€™m looking forward to a game-wide tournamentā€¦ā€¦ Haha - I wanna see the OG 100 players get their game on :slight_smile:


yeah that would be super cool lol, maybe even dev_anthony would play.


Dang thatā€™s Acually insane, didnā€™t acspect ddr, I saw someone trading shadow veil for dds not sure if I should have accepted or not


ppl are love the new knifes and ppl OP for what they love :confused:

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