A Nintendo game I was heavily in to has announced it’s shutting down end of year - the DS has soooo much speculation etc… It’s Nintendo so it’s all speculation with no basis or merit about why or how or… Everyone is sad and confused…
Sorta made me appreciate this game where the people who make it are a little more accessible?
Has anyone had a similar thought about a game they play? Or am I on my own?
Popcap shut down pvz gw2 like a ton of years ago, fortunately the community is still somewhat alive so didn’t affect the game much but it’s definitely becoming stale after a while
There is an old Pokémon game on rbx - Brick Bronze - ever played it? Ha - def a nomad group… I like the nomad groups - who wants to be a normie anyway…
Yeah but brick bronze was copyright striked like years ago and transformed into lumen legacy
There are like other bronze copies that try keep the original game alive by constantly uploading copies every time it gets taken down and storing all data in a potato, but they can never really become popular if roblox takes it down every time
Generally though brick bronze was OK, it’s just an extra pokemon game, decent game but nothing that goes awooga
You sir are a badge of knowledge - which makes me wonder if @Molton can create a badge just for those with knowledge… and if @Jesse would approve such a restricted badge?